The Akita dog of today was revived after the Second World War. In spite of the many improvements in its essential qualities and structure, a significant amount of its original characteristics and temperament may have been lost. [Read more]
Display Case Statue Having Tea at the Akiho Museum Entrance to Akita Museum Family Scene
Fighting Floor statues View of Odate behind Mr. Ogasawara´s Home Hides of Akitas Akiho 249
Bear Hunting Using Akita Dogs Akiho Museum in Odate Group of Akitas outside the Train Station entering Odate Akita photos past to present Akita dog street cover in Odate
Mr.Ogasawara (left) Marge Fetig (center) Cristina Egland Puppies at Kennel of Mr.Ogasawara White Akita Statue Stuffed Brindle Akita Statue at Train Station on the way to Odate
Cristina with Akita Statue Photos of Hachiko Statue at a second Train Station leaving Odate Akita Statue outside the Train Station entering Odate
FCI Akita Standard and Analysis
FCI American Akita Dog Standard
bullet  Research on the history and development of "Japanese dogs" based on archeology, zoology and ethnology reveal very little data on the Akita dog. However, an important reference is the book, Inu no Hon ( A Book on Dogs ) by Dr. Tohru Uchida. [Read more]
 There are three Akita Dog Standards: The Japanese Dog Preservation Club (Nippo), the Akita Dog Preservation Club (Akiho), and the Akita Dog Society (Akikyo). Each organi-zation has it's individual Akita Dog Standard. [Read more]
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